Dior Extreme Python Shoes (couldn't keep my eyes off of these whenever SJP appeared in them in the Sex and the City movie)
Here is why:
I picture beach weddings to be casual, relaxed, intimate & sometimes…bohemian. Having an absolute passion for draped pieces, I believe them to be perfect for such an occasion. What would I look for in a dress for a beach wedding?
1) Length – long (or at least mid-length). For a few reasons:
a. On a sandy beach, the footwear of choice will most likely be a flat pair of sandals or possibly even none at all. Therefore, I would need the dress to be calf to ankle length, as it would be most flattering for my short stumpy legs. Of course, if you are tall & slim (and I am sadly, neither), you may not have that problem.
b. Walking on a sandy beach may not always be a graceful task, which I find is easier done when my legs aren’t on display.
c. Sea breeze – you don’t want it to pick up a shorter skirt, or have to worry to place your hands to ensure it doesn’t get blown up from under you.
2) Material – flowy & comfortable. In the warmer climates you want to make sure you are comfortable, your skin can breathe, and that your movements aren’t restricted by a tight-fitting dress.
3) Colour – nothing too severe. Personally I would not choose anything too vibrant, but would gravitate to soft palettes. For example, I also have the Phillip Lim dress above in cream/black, which although I think would be perfect for a garden wedding (maybe worn with a touch of red or yellow), I would find too dark for a beach wedding. Often darker colours may appear more sombre, which would be better suited for a formal affair.
Roksanda Ilincic Corsage Embellished Gown
This is absolutely divine! The rosettes, the drapey-ness... my jaw dropped when I saw this. Ahh! If only I could come up with some excuse to wear such a stunning gown...Vows-renewal perhaps?
These were just a few examples of dresses I found during a quick search, on one site only (or I would've searched endlessly). If anyone has any further suggestions for Emily, I'm sure she'd love to see them!
What would YOU wear to a beach wedding?
PS. I don't know if you noticed, but yesterday I added a little playlist (To the left. The first song is the one I mentioned in a few posts ago - Denice Williams 'Free', the second song by Bebel Gilberto was my '1st dance' with hubby at our wedding...). I get startled when clicking on a blog and music springs out of nowhere, so I thought I'd make it play only if you wish it to...(just click 'play')
I would like to tag with the questions above AND pass this award to:
And I would love to tag EVERYONE WHO'S READING TO ANSWER these Q's here, as I'd love to find out more about YOU:
Para todos que estao lendo agora, adoraria se pudestes responder estas perguntas, pois gostaria muito de saber mais sobre VOCE:
1. How did you first arrive on my blog? Como achou meu blog?
2. Who are your favourite designers? Quem sao seus estilistas favoritos?
3. How old are you (if you don't mind my asking)? Quantos anos tem?
4. Are you studying/working? If so, in what? Trabalhas ou estudas (em que area?)
5. What country are you from? De que pais es?
6. What would you like to see more of on this blog? De que gostaria de ver mais aqui?
7. How would you describe your style? Como retrataria seu estilo?
8. For those with outfit shots/blogs, how do you take your pictures (inc. what camera)? Para todos que tiram fotos para seu blog do que esta usando, como tira as suas fotos (e com que camera)?
Have fun! I look forward to getting to know more about you!