When my eyes fell upon this skirt, they went as wide as teacups as I swiftly pounced on it. This drawstring vintage silk skirt, with its amazing embroidery, beads & sequins (which makes this skirt quite heavy), was once worn at an Indian wedding ceremony (so the tag said), and is one-of-a-kind. There were three wedding skirts at this store, and none of them were the same. Most surprising of all, was where I found it (brace yourself)...: Zara! (Yes, Zara! Don't worry, I didn't believe it either). Whilst trying it on I immediately pictured it as a dress, instead of a skirt, and seemed to have shocked every person in the store when I walked out of the changeroom wearing it as a halter dress (which is how I later wore it to my father-in-law's 60th birthday):

Belt: Anna Sui crystal/gold belt
Shoes: Yves Saint Laurent Dada Semi-Wedges in Platino

Top: Josh Goot racerback
Funnily enough, I have never worn this skirt as intended (ie. as a skirt), and in the past 3 & 1/2 years have used it several times as a dress:

Jacket: Kate Hurst cropped bolero
Shoes: Yves Saint Laurent Dada Semi-Wedges in Platino
So no, I didn't wear it to my wedding, but pictured above are my wedding shoes! I'm so glad I still get to wear them...